A Fit and Fabulous Winter

This week marks Australia’s Natural Health Week and with health and fitness on everybody’s minds, it hasn’t taken long for us to realise the effects winter has had on our fitness regimes. To most of us, cold weather equals laziness. Alarms are set early with good intentions for an early morning workout but more often than not the warmth of the doona wins out.

But winter health and fitness doesn’t have to be torture!  We have done some research and found the best ways to stay motivated and fit this winter:

Dress warmly. The cold weather slows our metabolism and lowers energy levels. By keeping yourself dressed warmly your energy levels will remain steady during your workout. Cold weather can also increase your risk of injury as your muscles tighten, so remember to always warm up prior to exercising.

Drink coffee. Having a cup of coffee or tea around 20 mins before your workout will give you that little caffeine hit you need to get started. In winter, this seems to be the biggest obstacle but once you are warmed up, you will be enjoying your workout more than ever.

Try something new. If you are too cold to go for a run outdoors why not take up a new indoor sport or activity? Perhaps boxing or pilates. Some of the Stormettes are even trying pole-dancing. Not only will you learn news skills but your body will have to work harder to learn new moves.

Get more sleep. It turns out staying in bed for longer during the winter months isn’t that bad for you. Sleep deprivation can cause food cravings and weight gain. So take advantage of the cold, dark evenings and go to bed earlier.

Stay Hydrated. The cold weather tends to dehydrate your body faster as it does not retain moisture so easily. Make sure you keep drinking water during your workout and throughout the day.

Play video games. Cold, wet weather is the perfect excuse to improve your Wii skills. Action orientated video games, like Wii fit, can offer a great workout and you don’t even have to leave your living room! You can burn anywhere between 250-500 calories an hour!

Listen to music. Crank up the tunes while you are cleaning, getting dressed or washing the dishes and you’ll be surprised how much more you move your body and burn calories.



Taryn and the Stormettes
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