Big Red Nose

Just a quick pre-warning for this coming Friday. If you see a lot of people with big red balls on their noses, no they are not impersonating Rudolf the Reindeer or promoting the lotto. They are merely showing their support for one of Australia’s largest fundraising events.

This Friday, 29th of June 2012, marks the 25th year of Red Nose Day. The funds raised on Friday will help provide vital services and programs to the Australian community in order to assist SIDS and Kids.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also know as SIDS is the leading cause of postneonatal infant death and the human costs are significant, not only through loss of life but also the difficulties families and friends suffer in consequence. The not-for-profit organisation, SIDS and Kids is dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children during pregnancy, birth, infancy and childhood and to supporting bereaved families. In the past 20 years the charity is believed to have saved the lives of 7,500 Australian babies.

By now you may be asking yourself, why the red nose?

Well, 25 years ago the Red Nose Day concept was adopted with the idea being – donning a red nose for a day to be silly for a serious cause. Its easy, it’s fun, and it raises money and awareness of SIDS and Kids and the cause. There is no chance the Stormettes will be missing out on this come Friday!


Taryn and the Stormettes.

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