
3 Tips to get your story on TV

Do you want to get your story on TV? I can help you with that! In today’s #magnifymondaymoment video I explain the 3 key things that producers look for when putting together a store for TV. If you provide them with these 3 things and your story adds value and engages their audience, you have a great […]

Hot topic: Travel & Media

Will you or won’t you travel this upcoming school holiday season? This is a hot topic for many people at the moment and as such, the media will be focusing on this topic as well. I elaborate on what the media will be looking for in today’s #magnifymondaymoment video. #travel #hospitality #tourism

Hot Topic: Future of Work

Do you have an opinion on the future of work? It’s a hot topic right now and I predict it will be for quite some time. In today’s #magnifymondaymoment video I talk about the experts and businesses the media are looking for to interview around this topic. Are you one of them? #futureofwork #humanresources #hr

The Key Angle to Pitch in 2020

Is 2020 your year to magnify your message in the media? If you’re nodding yes then you have the right idea because mass media exposure elevates the perception of your brand, attracting customers, increasing sales and outselling your competitors. There’s one key angle that many journalists are wanting to produce content about in January and […]