Intern Profile – We couldn’t operate without them!

Renae Jolly


Why did you take an internship with WordStorm PR?

To first and foremost gain experience in the PR industry as I knew it was time to put my theory into practice!  And with WordStorm’s vast variety of clients and PR knowledge I knew this is where I could learn as much as possible, which I definitely feel like I have!

What’s been your favourite part about working in PR?

Being able to see all the behind the scenes towards creating a successful campaign. There is a lot more than I had imagined, it’s interesting and fun! I have also really enjoyed sitting in on the brainstorm sessions and listening to everyone create and bounce ideas off each other!

How do you think an internship will help with you getting a job when you finish your uni degree?

This internship has definitely taught me a lot more than what can be taught through theory at Uni! Having this experience has definitely helped me in terms of understanding the industry as well as developing the necessary skills I will need in my future career. This should make getting a job a lot easier as I now have an understanding of the practical components of PR as well as the confidence to practice in this industry.

What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learnt since working at WordStorm PR?

I have learnt how much really goes into working at a PR company! There is a lot more to learn than you would think. And to ask as many questions as you can, you will learn so much more!

What’s your least favourite task as an intern?

Every task has been good however calling around to update the databases is something I don’t always look forward to doing.

What’s your favourite thing to do in Sydney?

Checking out new cool and quirky bars with friends is always good fun! And being from the Northern Beaches I love hanging at Sydney’s amazing beaches, we live in such a beautiful place!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I love to travel! Having traveled to over 23 countries so far I definitely have more dream trips to plan for the future.

What is your fave social media platform?

Facebook! Easiest way to share everything with all my friends and keep up to date with what everyone is up to.

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