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Media Training


Our media contacts ask us daily, “Are they good talent?” in regards to the clients we are pitching for an interview. And after going through our intensive one-day workshops, we can confidently reply with a resounding “Yes!”.

When you work with us at WordStorm PR, you will benefit from our years of industry experience and our dedication to your success. When you perform well in the spotlight, it is a positive reflection on us. We love working with clients who are keen to learn and develop their skills, and we know that media training is an investment in your future.

When you know how to work with an interviewer and deliver the kind of interviews and short grabs that they love, you’re going to make a bigger impact and enjoy a more positive experience for you and your business.

For the PR agency businesses trust, get in touch with us online or phone us on (02) 8880 9274.

Why You Need Media Training

Everyone has seen or heard interviews where the interviewee was simply not prepared, or nervous or flustered in front of the camera, and it is not a good look.

A day of media training will give you the skills and techniques you need to ensure you excel in interview situations for years to come. Given the permanence of video and media today, one mistake is discoverable online forever. So don’t let a poor performance on camera come back to haunt you – make sure you invest in media and interview training.

We are a media training company who are on your side and can give you all the elements of what you need to succeed in today’s fast-paced digital media world.

Media awareness and understanding

As part of our media training, we give you information about the media landscape in Australia and how journalists operate. By helping you understand the motivation of journalists, and what they want to achieve from your interview, you’ll be better placed to meet those needs and promote your business at the same time.

Message and angle

You know your business better than anyone else, and we want to help you show that to the world. When working with you for media and interview training, we unravel the key messages you’re seeking to communicate and coach you to make sure that you keep coming back to it in the most effective and natural way. Various types of media outlets will require a different approach, and we’ll help you sculpt your angle to ensure you’re getting your point across in the best way possible.

How to interview

From a live TV interview to a phone conversation with a journalist, we provide you with the skills you need to succeed in any environment. We understand the importance of getting your core messages across and will teach you how to respond to questions and deliver your key points succinctly and in a natural and impactful way.

When you work with us, you will go into interviews equipped with the confidence and skills you need to manage a range of media situations and interview types.