Re- energising the office in 2020


The Christmas office party has come and gone, the festive break is over and it is time to head back to the office for a new year. Returning to work can be a difficult task for many after a well deserved rest period. During this time of new beginnings and goal setting, establishing positive workplace culture is crucial. In order to perform your best, you must feel your best. At WordStorm we place high value on our wellbeing and engage in a few practices to help us stay motivated and energised for 2020.

The benefits of Yoga are endless

You don’t have to be a master at yoga to reap its benefits! Encourage your colleagues to attend a yoga class together or even find a space in the office and take 20 minutes to stretch it out. Supported by extensive research, maintaining a regular yoga practice can provide excellent physical  and mental health benefits. With more than 100 different types, breathing exercises, meditation and certain postures help to destress the body and calm your mood. According to certified Osteopathic family physician Natalie Nevins, the benefits of practicing yoga include improved respiration, energy and vitality.  We have our very own yogi, Louise, who is a champion for the health and wellness industry.

Check in, Check in, Check in

In our personal life we deem it important to touch base with our loved ones, whether that be daily or every once in a while. At WordStorm we like to take time to check in with each other, find out what people are working on, where they are up to and how they are generally feeling. When you sense an energy gap in the team, organise a time to meet up together and talk it through. The WordStorm team take part in a weekly ‘brainstorm’ and individual ‘WIP’ activity where we discuss clients, challenges and opportunities. Instigating open conversation and healthy debate in the office presents an encouraging atmosphere. Even when things appear sturdy there will always be someone who could benefit from a quick check in.

Reflection is Key

How often do you take a step back, observe what you have done and critically think about your next step? At WordStorm we celebrate the big and little wins. Whether it be securing a new client or establishing a great contact with a journo, we know that it all contributes to the success of our business. At the start of 2020 we all wish to wipe the slate clean and leave 2019 in the past but we can gain clarity by reflecting on the year gone. “We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience”, said American philosopher John Dewey.

Make your space inviting

Who said that a professional office setting can’t be fun?! A great way to boost your happiness in the workplace is to incorporate furniture and décor that are colourful, comfortable and interesting. At WordStorm PR we operate in a safe space that sparks joy. Artist and Managing Director, Joram, has created several paintings that pop as soon as you walk into the office. Aside from art, we have also incorporated tons of greenery and cozy bean bags for a more relaxed feel. Your surroundings can have a significant impact on your energy and attitude so be sure to design a space that is unique to you and your business.

So if you find yourself yawning at your desk, getting easily sidetracked or lacking inspiration, I challenge you to introduce some of these practices into your office!

Written by Bridget Patterson

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