Yesterday, with my morning coffee in hand, I began my routine scan through the day’s papers. A pretty standard day of news reporting; fights over the mineral tax, asylum seeker crisis continues, controversy over Dolly’s 13 year old model, and the stories went on. However one story stuck in my mind, long after the papers were filed away…
“Diabetes is on the rise in Australia with the number of cases expected to double in the next 4 years. New research unveiled by the Australian Diabetes Council this week also shows a direct correlation between the prevalence of diabetes and heart disease across NSW.”
This really doesn’t have to be the case! There are many things a person can do to slow or prevent the progress of this potentially life-threatening condition. It can be as easy as moving more and making healthy food choices. Whether you feel you may be at risk of developing diabetes, or if you just want to work on a healthier you, I have come across some fantastic wellbeing products out there that can help you on your way.
Sugar free confectionery – You don’t need to cut out sweets! WOW is a delicious choice of individually twist wrapped confectionery, without the calories. The sweets are low in fat, low GI, cholesterol free and 100% guilt free.
I seriously can’t get enough of the buttered candy drops!
Taryn and the Stormettes