How To Get Your Brand On TV
When talking to potential clients wanting help with their media exposure, 90% express the desire to get free airtime on TV. I can’t say I blame them. A mass audience to hear their message, the credibility of being able to say ‘As seen on (insert program)’ and a great promotional tool to use in all […]
5 Mother’s Day PR Stunts That Captivated Media
By Julia Ri Mother’s Day originated from humble beginnings. Founded by Anna Jarvis, the day was established so children could give their well-deserving mums a simple, hand-written, thank-you letter. Nowadays, a simple letter just won’t cut it. Mother’s Day has become much more commercialised with the holiday predicting a whopping $2 billion dollar spend in […]
The Difference Between PR and Advertising
By Nichelle Fulwani In the world of marketing; advertising and PR are thought to be one and the same. Many businesses believe they play a similar role, achieve the same results, and can be used in lieu of one another. So what is the difference between PR and advertising exactly? The following 4 tips will […]
The Changing Nature of Social Media
By Blake Peroumal Did you know that the human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than it does text? We, as individuals, respond more actively and positively to messages that are visually attractive, and are subsequently less tempted by written text. This trend has remained constant across the history of media, with the most […]
How to identify the newsworthy angles within your business
By Monica Rosenfeld As a business owner, one of the toughest challenges you’ll face is how to get the word out about your product or organisation. Journalists receive countless emails and phone calls a day from business owners looking for media exposure. If you want to rise above the pack it’s crucial to dig into […]
How to turn your business media release from ‘Blah’ to ‘Can I have the exclusive?’
By Monica Rosenfeld The media love running stories about entrepreneurs. Why? Because journalists care about writing content that engages or adds value to their audience and there is nothing that entrepreneurs love better than reading about and learning from other entrepreneurs. What this means for you if you are an entrepreneur is that you have […]
The Fiercest Corporate Rivalries
By Deborah Han The McWhopper: Recently, hamburger chain Burger King released an open letter proposal to its greatest competitor, McDonalds ‘in honour of peace’. Burger King invited McDonalds to combine the ‘tastiest bits’ of their respective iconic burgers to be sold on 21 September for Peace Day, a campaign run by non-profit organisation Peace One […]
4 Ways a Day in PR is Like a Day in Winter
By Andrea Rocha Bet you never thought of working in PR is like a day in winter! I promise, what we practitioners do isn’t as bad as it sounds. But as my job entails me to do, I’ll try to enlighten you all of a typical day in PR by presenting the field in a […]
What Exactly Do PR Professionals Do?
Unsure how to respond when asked, “What do you do?” Here are some tips to help you answer that dreaded question. The question “What do you do?” is one of the most commonly asked questions when meeting someone new, so you have something – anything! – to talk about. But for a lot of people, […]