Word of mouth is a powerful tool.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve eaten at a restaurant (The Winery), seen a movie (Twilight) or bought a product (OPI nail polish) because someone I know (and trust) has recommended it.
They say that if you have a good experience with a product or service, you will tell one person, but if you have a bad experience you will tell ten. The thing is, it’s really rare for my peers to recommend a product or service. In the case that they have talked highly of a product or service I’ve taken their word for it- and not regretted it mind you!
I’ve also lost count of the amount of times I’ve avoided going to certain places (Benefit eyebrow bar), buying specific products (Rubi shoes) or using specific services (Escape Travel) because my family and friends have told me horror stories!
Word of mouth and PR work hand in hand; word of mouth is a direct factor of corporate reputation. Now, businesses need to be more cautious about what people are saying about their brand, more than ever.
Not only are we trusting our closest family and friends, but we are also trusting blogs, vlogs, review websites (e.g. tripadvisor), iphone apps (beautyhaven), and of course our Facebook friends, some of whom we would probably not even talk to if it wasn’t for Facebook. It’s so much easier for companies to be drilled about poor products or services – and worse, it’s easier for people to react and agree, encouraging further negative word of mouth!
I know so many friends who have complained about certain brands on Facebook- the most popular I’ve seen have been Optus, Tiger Airways and UOW. What’s worse, is the number of people who ‘like’ (i.e. agree) with these comments, which encourages further negative word of mouth.
In the digital age, it is important to be aware of how and where consumers are interacting to gain a competitive edge for your brand.
Love, Tash and the WordStorm Techies x