What It’s Like To Be A WordStorm PR Intern – Dee

Diana Gareeva started her internship with WordStorm PR last month and has excelled since walking into the office in her colourful outfits. 

Why did you take an internship with WordStorm PR?

I took up the internship with WordStorm PR because I was excited to get a glimpse into the industry and apply the theory I learnt in class to the everyday. I have been interested in PR ever since commencing the major at uni and could not imagine a better way to learn the day to day tasks than through an internship. While being at WordStorm PR, I have learned more in a month than I have in a year of uni and reassured myself once again that PR is what I really want to do.

What’s been your favourite part about working in PR?

The best part about PR is that you will never get bored – there is always something to do! Your days are never the same and your tasks vary enormously. Your job includes keeping up with all the news, reading through various magazines, browsing through interesting and fun blogs as well as keeping tabs on social media sites. You always learn something new every day and I love it.

How do you think an internship will help with you getting a job when you finish your uni degree?

Experience is paramount in today’s competitive industry so an internship in my opinion is your golden ticket to being short-listed. It is a point of difference and something that sets you apart from the crowd and shows that you have some sort of idea and knowledge coming into a first paying job. It gives you an opportunity to build relationships that can assist you in your future career path, wherever it may take you.

What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learnt since working at WordStorm PR?

The most valuable thing I have learnt since working at WordStorm PR is everything! From reading newspapers, binding and filing to creating databases and nervously conversing with strangers over the phone, all being of equal value. Being confident in what you are doing when you have no idea in your initial stages is difficult, but as always, once you’ve done it for the first time it’s not so bad anymore – kind of like taking off a band aid. Needless to say, everyone at Wordstorm is so lovely and friendly that you always have someone to help you out.

What’s your least favourite task as an intern?

The least favourite task as an intern would have to be retrieving contact details to enter into a database, which includes feeling frightened, calling a number of strangers to ask a number of questions while sounding like you’ve been doing it for years. Best advice in that situation is gather that courage and ‘fake it, till you make it’.

What’s your favourite thing to do in Sydney?

I’ve got so many but apart from the usual browsing through quirky stores, eating at the fabulous cafes and immersing myself in the nightlife that Sydney has to offer, I also love to just walk through the city and look up and admire all the tall buildings. Might be a weird thing to do, but there you have it.

Twitter or Facebook?

Facebook hands down! I can’t see people being that interested in me tweeting every hour unless I’m Victoria Beckham. 

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