Farewell to our Intern, Katrina!

Why did you take an internship with WordStorm PR?


Because I love being around people and feeding off the energy of others! Having a part-time PR gig where I can work from home most of the time is great, but I desperately wanted to be back in an office filled with awesome people who would teach me even more about the industry.


What’s been your favourite part about working in PR?


It’s really very cool to meet all sorts of new people and being able to talk to them on a first-name basis. You never know who you’ll meet and what you’ll learn from them – I recently met a journalist whom I share a handful of mutual friends with and live literally two minutes away from!


How do you think an internship will help with you getting a job when you finish your uni degree?


I’m actually a Class of 2012 girl, but my time at WordStorm has definitely helped develop my skills and understanding of the industry. I’m hopeful that the practical experience I have gained over the past three months will go a long way in increasing my career opportunities in the immediate future.


What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learnt since working at WordStorm PR?


Speak up! Grab every opportunity to get on the phone, contribute an idea at a brainstorming session or to just ask the person next to you how their day is going. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how much more you get out of the day.


What’s your least favourite task as an intern?


I would have to say updating the many databases. With so many people to keep track of, you can bet there’s always a few to chase up!


What’s your favourite thing to do in Sydney?



Eating my heart out. We’re definitely spoilt for choice in this city. My boyfriend and I have actually put together a list for all the places we want to check out, and can’t help adding two more for every one we cross off…


Tell us a fun fact about yourself!


I love to sing!


What is your fave social media platform?

Vine, hands down. I can spend hours on it, laughing at just how random six-second clips can be. I find it unusually inspiring to film everything in the normal day-to-day (not that I’ve started, ha!)


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