WordStorm PR was tasked with increasing popular Cholulah Hot Sauce’s awareness in Australia. While the signature sauce is well-known among American consumers and featured regularly in media across the US, the Australian distributor felt it was lacking a presence in Aussie media titles.
A recipe book was created with a range of delicious, flavourful recipes featuring Cholulah Hot Sauce. This was sent to top-tier media in a sombrero, complete with the product and false moustaches. This led to increased social media chatter about the brand as journalists posted shots of themselves across Instagram and Facebook holding the product and wearing their sombreros. Light-heartened, inexpensive send-outs of this nature are an excellent way of cutting through the product that lands on a journalist’s desk every single day.
This approach led to exposure in 171 food trade and consumer titles including Coles magazine, Taste.com.au magazine, Woman’s Day, The Courier Mail, The West Australian, Weight Watchers, Lifestyle FOOD, Ninemsn FOOD, Yahoo! 7, That’s Life!, Australian Natural Health, Practical Parenting, Travel 3 Sixty, EAT FIT, Food & Drink Business, The Australian Retailer, OH! Magazine, Label Magazine, Gold Coast Bulletin, Open House Foodservice, Home Heaven, The Weekly Review, SheSaid and The AU Review.
Total reach of media coverage was 129 million, meaning that audiences were given the opportunity to see Cholulah in the media many times over the course of the campaign.