Social Media

Conquer the cold this winter with these Instagram accounts

By Monica Crismale It’s coming up to that time of year where you’re wrapped up in a burrito blanket, scrolling through your Instagram feed that’s filled with photos from your friend’s European holiday. You’re trapped inside with the heater on, battling the Australian winter, while your friends are having a picnic under the sunny Eiffel tower. […]

Success in Social Media

By Olivia Munro On the way to work each morning, I always like to catch up on emails on my phone. On one such occasion, I came across an email from an online retailer that I regularly shop from. They send at least one email a day about upcoming sales or promotions which I easily ignore […]

The Changing Face of Proactive PR

By Annie Collins Traditionally, proactive public relations revolves around securing coverage for a client via media releases, creative send outs and events to name a few techniques. Now, with the constantly evolving media landscape, the rules of the game have changed with new opportunities and challenges arising for PR practitioners. Real-time marketing, a relatively new […]