How to turn your business media release from ‘Blah’ to ‘Can I have the exclusive?’

By Monica Rosenfeld The media love running stories about entrepreneurs.  Why?  Because journalists care about writing content that engages or adds value to their audience and there is nothing that entrepreneurs love better than reading about and learning from other entrepreneurs. What this means for you if you are an entrepreneur is that you have […]

What Type of Communicator Are You?

  By Rochelle Blanch Has anyone ever asked you if you were a good communicator? Some people may mumble their quiet response while others may scream it from the rooftops. Either way, everyone’s style of communicating in either a personal or professional environment is different but how does this affect your relationships? The WordStorm team […]

The Changing Face of Proactive PR

By Annie Collins Traditionally, proactive public relations revolves around securing coverage for a client via media releases, creative send outs and events to name a few techniques. Now, with the constantly evolving media landscape, the rules of the game have changed with new opportunities and challenges arising for PR practitioners. Real-time marketing, a relatively new […]