How a healthy office promotes productivity

A health-kick has recently swept through the WordStorm office as various staff try to improve their wellness, train for marathons or slim down before bikini-wearing holidays come by.  We’ve been eating incredibly healthy, going to the gym on lunch breaks and talking positively about our food choices – and the results don’t just show on our (decreasing) waistlines!

When an office environment makes the choice to switch morning tea for green tea, morale soars and the team becomes closer. It’s the ultimate team-building exercise, where the business benefits with increased staff championing and a boost in productivity.

Eating the right foods – and sharing the nutritional research – improves an individual’s concentration when they hit 3pm and find they don’t need their daily Le Monde coffee fix to get them through the afternoon (some of us are admittedly still trying to kick that habit).  Brighter eyes, more confident staff and a general office buzz – staff are pushing each other along, congratulating each other on good choices or personal bests reached at the gym. The mood is good.

And that’s all before we hit the idea for lunch-time workouts.  Just 30 to 40 minutes of high-intensity cardio can boost energy levels, meaning afternoon work is done with increased concentration and productivity.

Really, there’s no reason not to support your staff and your team if they choose to make healthy lifestyle choices.  Make it easy for them – have green tea as well as black in the kitchen, let them leave the office for a gym session if their workload allows it, and – most of all – encourage them when you notice changes in their appearance, mood or work productivity.  It can only be beneficial to everyone involved.

Tammi and the Stormettes.
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