Intern Profiles – Meet Kate Morris


Why did you take an internship with WordStorm PR?

With a 4 month break from Uni and the square eyes I had already developed from the many watched tv series, I thought it was time I did something worthwhile with my holidays. So I applied at Wordstorm to gain some experience and to hopefully make my life a bit easier once I graduate and make my way into the real world.

What’s been your favourite part about working in PR?

My favourite part has definitely been seeing all the little bits and pieces that go towards making a successful campaign. There’s a lot more that goes on than you’d think and it’s all very interesting.

How do you think an internship will help with you getting a job when you finish your uni degree?

It’s pretty hard to gain a job straight out of uni these days without some kind of previous experience, so I think this internship will help me gain the necessary industry know-how, insight and confidence I need.

What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learnt since working at WordStorm PR?

That tissue paper is not my friend. No, the most valuable would have thing I’ve learnt is to be confident in what I’m doing and to make sure everything is done in great detail and care.

What’s your least favourite task as an intern?

If tissue paper is my biggest worry I think it’s safe to say everything is pretty damn great.

What’s your favourite thing to do in Sydney?

I’m a sucker for cocktails and being from Queensland I’ve been going on a couple of adventures seeking out some cute bars and restaurants.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I have a pet fighting fish called Boston and he lives in a Crystal head vodka bottle. I can’t say I’m overly exciting..

What is your fave social media platform?

It’d have to be Instagram, so much more fun. The only time I’m on Facebook is for stalking purposes, not too much posting goes on.  

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