Donate Blood Today


Today the WordStorm Team are donating blood. Exciting and a little scary at the same time!


Did you know that currently 1 in 3 Australians need blood, yet only 1 in 30 donate? The Australian Red Cross Blood Service collects around 1.4 million blood donations each year but more is needed.

The Red Cross has come up with a great initiative called Club Red. Club Red allows organisations and groups across Australia to get together and do something special by donating blood. Any business, community or youth group can donate as part of Club Red. So why not get colleagues or friends together and donate as a big group. If one single donation can save three lives, imagine how many lives can be saved if you donate as a group!

So who can give blood?

Most people are eligible to give blood, as long as they are fit and healthy, weigh more then 45kg, are not low in iron and haven’t engaged in risky behaviour. Take the quiz on the Red Cross website to see if you are eligible. 


Can’t give blood?

Sadly not everyone can give blood, but there are still other ways in which you can help. You can:

  • encourage friends, family and colleagues to donate
  • spread the word through social media
  • volunteer for the Red Cross. They have great humanitarian programs and are always looking for people to help.


Donating blood helps patients with cancer or bleeding disorders, trauma patients, new mums and babies. So with one in three Australians needing blood in their lifetime, there is every chance that the life you save could be someone you know.

Don’t be afraid of the needle and donate today!

Call 13 14 95 or visit to make an appointment today!


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